Know Your Skin Type

two skin types are alike, then why should everyone follow the same multi-step routines? For example, suppose you’ve got oily skin. In that case, the oil cleanse method that many celebs rave about could potentially result in bad breakouts for you. Similarly, too many skincare steps or exfoliating rituals could cause severe rashes if you have sensitive skin. Therefore, it’s crucial to spend some time discovering how your skin behaves and what it likes to invest time in developing a skincare routine for yourself. 

1. Identify Your Skincare Concerns

Skin minimalism is about limiting your product usage to concern-targeted products. This is why it is essential to pick and choose products which target specific concerns such as; blemishes, acne, dull skin, dryness etc.

2.Choose Products With Actives

Active ingredients offer more bang for your buck. What is the point of spending thousands of rupees on skincare products that look great, smell divine and well, and don’t do much beyond hydrating and moisturising your skin? It’s, therefore, a fruitful effort to look for products with actives like retinol, hyaluronic acid, and vitamin C that are proven to act on specific skin concerns and help better your skin health. 

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